Presented by Mass Audubon, Cape Cod

28th Annual Cape Cod Natural History Conference

28th Cape Cod Natural History Conference
- Developing Nature-based Solutions to Improve the Resilience of a Wellfleet Harbor Salt Marsh by Alex Patterson, Senior Ecologist, EA Engineering
- Marsh Resiliency and Restoration at Chase Garden Creek Salt Marsh by Molly Autery, Salt Marsh Specialist, Association to Preserve Cape Cod
- Windswept Bog Wetland Restoration Project, Nantucket Island, MA: Progress and Lessons Learned from Taking a Phased Implementation Approach by Karen C. Beattie, Vice President of Science and Stewardship, Nantucket Conservation Foundation, Inc.
- Profiling our Shores: Community Science for Coastal Resilience by Tricia Teixeira Santoianni, Environmental Advocate, Town of Brewster/Cape Cod Community College
- Orthoptera of Martha's Vineyard by Matt Pelikan, Community Naturalist, BiodiversityWorks
- Southern Pine Beetle on Cape Cod and the Islands by James Rassman, Forester, Department of Conservation and Recreation
- Two Decades of Change in Martha's Vineyard Plant Communities by Patrick Farrar, Research Assistant, Woodwell Climate Research Center
- Using Publicly Available Data to Guide Citizen Scientists Toward Real-World Biodiversity Conservation Impact by David Fryxell, Executive Director & Ecologist, Dennis Conservation Land Trust
- Occurrence and Distribution of Cyanobacteria Blooms on Cape Cod 2022-2024: What are the Risks and How to Best Communicate Them? by Sophia M. Feuerhake, Freshwater Science Coordinator, Association to Preserve Cape Cod
- Establishing a Central Database and Web Portal for Freshwater Pond Monitoring Data by Jessica Rempel, Natural Resources Analyst, Cape Cod Commission
- Where to Stay on The Cape: The Impact of Habitat on Migrant Songbirds at Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary and Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge by James Junda, Lead Bird Bander, Mass Audubon
- eDNA Analysis of Red Knot Diet at Staging Sites in the Monomoy-Pleasant Bay System of Cape Cod, Massachusetts by Liana DiNunzio, Shorebird Biologist, Manomet Conservation Science
- 2024 Great Shearwater Tracking, Preliminary Results by Liam Waters, Research Technician, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
- Monitoring the Terrestrial Acoustic and Disturbance Ecology of Gray Seals at an Ephemeral Haul Out by Callyan Lacio, PhD Student, University of New Hampshire
- Water Quality and the Important Role of Citizen Scientists by Sara Sampieri Horvet, Research Associate and Analytical Laboratory Manager, UMass Dartmouth
- Cape Cod Freshwater Pond Buffer Guidance by Heather McElroy, Natural Resources Program Manager, Cape Cod Commission
- Cape Cod Pond Watcher Bio-Survey Program: Preliminary Results by Julie Hambrook Berkman, PhD, Pond and Cyanobacteria Program Manager, Association to Preserve Cape Cod
- Cape Cod Water Resources Restoration Project by Martha Craig, Program Manager, Cape Cod Conservation District
- Eelgrass Restoration Project by Kta'n Paul, Natural Resources Fellow, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
- Conservation and Survey Techniques to Estimate Abundance of the Northern Diamondback Terrapin by Emma Keene-Reinhard, Diamondback Terrapin Field Technician, Zoo New England, Mass Wildlife
- Discovery and Conservation of Papillose Nut-sedge (Scleria pauciflora) at Camp Edwards by Erin Hilley, Conservation Biologist, MA Army National Guard
- Impacts of Baiting Practices on Catch and Bycatch in Gillnets and Design of an Effective Outreach Program to Minimize Seabird Bycatch by Liese Siemann, Senior Research Biologist, Coonamessett Farm Foundation, Inc.