STEM In The Community

2024 STEM Week

STEM Week comes to Cape Cod this October as the Regional STEM Network joins the wider statewide initiative encouraging participation in STEM education. The STEM program seeks students, teachers, and administrators to help create an amazing series of interactive events to highlight the STEM work happening on the Cape and Islands.
“While we know that STEM education happens all year long at schools across the Commonwealth, we look forward to the hands-on projects and lessons that will be on display during STEM week next fall. Creating opportunities for more students to pursue STEM fields after high school will continue to improve our education system, workforce, and economy.” – Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker
STEM Week, in collaboration with the STEM Advisory Council, is aimed at generating interest from the business community, fostering partnerships with school districts and increasing student awareness of the program.
The STEM Network invites industry partners to join in STEM week career panels and informative sessions and to open their doors to showcase career opportunities for students here on the Cape and Islands. From October 21-25, Cape and Island students can look forward to a STEM-oriented math night, the kick-off of the Girls STEM mentoring program, and the Empow Studios and i2 learn coding challenge.
“Massachusetts is the home of dynamic, global leaders in industries such as life sciences, robotics, and advanced manufacturing. These companies grow and add jobs here because of our STEM-oriented ecosystem. STEM Week is an important way to encourage students to get engaged in our Innovation Economy at an early age.” – Housing and Economic Development Secretary Jay Ash
While the local STEM Network is actively seeking teachers, students, and administrators at all grade levels to participate in the science, technology, engineering and math events throughout the week, there will be a particular emphasis on middle and high school students, who are on the verge of thinking about college and careers. High school and middle school students could also take part in internships or informational tours at local companies.
“It is critical that our K-12 schools provide all students with high-quality, relevant STEM courses. STEM Week will be a wonderful opportunity to showcase efforts already underway in STEM education and highlight opportunities that will inspire more and more students to get involved in these important fields.” – Lt. Governor Karyn Polito
If you are interested in supporting or being a part of STEM Week, please contact Paul Reibach, PhD, Director, Cape Cod Regional STEM Network for more information: preibach@capecod.edu (508) 362-2131 x 4459.